Genomics for the General Practitioner
Genomics for the General Practitioner
Genomic medicine is a rapidly evolving field with many clinical applications. While individual genetic conditions are often rare, as a collective, genetic conditions are very common with approximately 60% of people being affected with a disorder...
Genomics for the General Practitioner_AMA
Genomics for the General Practitioner_AMA
Genomic medicine is a rapidly evolving field with many clinical applications. While individual genetic conditions are often rare, as a collective, genetic conditions are very common with approximately 60% of people being affected with a disorder...
Prenatal Screening for the General Practitioner
Prenatal Screening for the General Practitioner
This eLearning resource is intended to provide information on prenatal screening to assist General Practitioners in providing patient-centered care for prospective parents during their pregnancy journey. This program should take approximately...

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